
BWP Online Foal Auction
Start date
End date
Type event
Who can participate?
-BWP foals fort he options dressage and jumping+ BRp foals.
-The foals must already have participated on a BWP/BRp championship and obtained a score of 75%.
Register, how and when?
-Latest on Monday August 21 via this event ( register on tab)
-The payment of the fee of 200 € latest on August 23 on account nr BE 40 736 4036 84863
Practical arrangements:
Each breeder who registers for the BWP Online Foal Auction is expected on August 26 on the grounds of the National Championship BWP Elite foals at Stal Husterlo in Meerdonk. Pictures and videos will be taken. A veterinary control will take place.
The BWP Online Foal Auction will start on September 29 and will end on October 2nd.